Selasa, 28 April 2015

5 GTA V mods that need to be made

GTA V is about to be released on PC, and the modding community is chomping at the bit to get stuck in. Here are ideas for a few great mods

One of the most appealing aspects of PC gaming is modding and transforming the base game into a brand new experience. With the upcoming release ofGrand Theft Auto 5 on PC (fingers crossed that it won’t get another last minute delay), the modding community is itching to get stuck into Los Santos and Blaine County.

GTA V is a fantastic base for modders to work and improve on. Mods are a great way to reinvigorate games by creating new features, missions or items – see Skyrim’s mod Frostfall– so the possibilities for modding GTA V are near endless. Here are some mod ideas that would work perfectly in GTA V:

1. Free roam crew members

Causing chaos in a large free roam map is one of the Grand Theft Auto's calling cards. Free roam havoc was perfected by GTA. One way it could be improved by modders would be the ability to call up and hire crew members to ride shotgun during your wild escapades. You can already call up the other playable characters – Michael, Trevor and Franklin – but it would be cool if you could call up additional henchmen too.

GTA: San Andreas had this feature, as you could mount up with the Grove Street OGs to paint the town red with Balla and Vagos blood. Rolling in style with your gang buddies took free roam crime sprees to the next level so it would be a perfect mod in GTA V.

2. Weapons

GTA V does have some awesome weapons, particularly ones added by DLC like the Flare Gun, Musket, and Firework Launcher. Despite this, V is lacking some of the classic weapons of the older games, like the Katana, Chainsaw and, of course, the fifteen inch purple dildo.

While the weapons in the base game are good enough, it would be nice to have some of the more unusual and amusing weapons from GTA games of the past. Dual wielding would also make a perfect mod – the two sawn-off shotties from San Andreas were the best way to mow down your gangland enemies.

3. Gang warfare

Although it was a bit of a pain when you were on the other side of San Andreas, the gang warfare aspects of GTA: SA brought the gangland vibe of early 90s LA to life. In San Andreas, Los Santos was split up into loads of territories owned by the Ballas, Vagos or Grove Street Families. Territories were won or lost by fighting back waves of gangsters, until the area yields to the attackers.

The gangland aspect wasn’t really expanded on in GTA V. The three gangs from San Andreas were all there, but you can’t do much more other than fight them in the streets. They have their own territories that they like to stick to, but it would be nice to see a mod that adds a bit more variation and action with them.

4. Graphical Enhancements

If you keep up with the modding scene you will undoubtedly have seen the incredible work by expert modder Hayssam Keilany – the GTA IV mod iCEnhancer. It’s no exaggeration to say that iCEnhancer makes GTA IV’s graphics almost lifelike in quality. Provided your PC is powerful enough to handle the mod at a decent number of frames per second, Liberty City will be transformed into a seriously realistic urban environment.

GTA V already looks phenomenal based on the screens of the PC version that Rockstar have released. But then, so did GTA IV for its time. With a modder as talented as iCEnhancer's, Los Santos and Blaine County could be given a level of graphical enhancement that would push even the most powerful PCs to the limits.

5. Liberty City

Everyone can admit to being a bit disappointed that GTA V only had one main city. That’s not to say that Los Santos was bad at all (far from it), it would just be awesome to be able to fly a plane or get a boat ride across to a whole new city to wreak havoc in.

It’s probably quite unlikely that modders will be able to put the whole of Liberty City into GTA V as it would be ridiculously heavy on resources and you would need a seriously powerful rig to run it. But still, going for a nice relaxing drive as Trevor through the groups of pedestrians in Middle Park with middle finger flying would definitely be fun.

What mods would you like to see?

Rabu, 22 April 2015

Terinspirasi "GTA", Pria Curi Truk dan Tabrak 9 Mobil

Terinspirasi "GTA", Pria Curi Truk dan Tabrak 9 Mobil

Grand Theft Auto V
Ada batasan yang sangat jelas antara dunia game dan dunia nyata. Namun, ternyata ada saja orang yang tak bisa melihat batas tersebut.

Contohnya seorang pria bernama Zachary Burgess asal Alaska, Amerika Serikat. Seperti dikutip dari Cnet, pada Sabtu, 21 September, Burgess yang berumur 20 tahun berbuat onar di kota Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Menurut keterangan saksi mata, Burgess mencuri sebuah truk yang diparkir dalam keadaan menyala di tempat parkir sebuah bar. Seorang penumpang perempuan yang kebetulan sedang berada di dalam kendaraan itu pun ikut "terbawa" sebelum berhasil melarikan diri dengan cara melompat ke luar.
Zachary Burgess
Tak hanya itu, dalam usahanya melarikan truk, Burgess ikut menabrak sejumlah kendaraan di tempat parkir. Secara keseluruhan terdapat sembilan mobil yang menjadi korban aksi ugal-ugalan Burgess.

"Kami merespons laporan tabrak lari di sebuah tempat parkir bar lokal. Ketika petugas sampai di TKP, kendaraan yang dicuri ditemukan sudah ditinggal beberapa meter dari lokasi kejadian, dan si tersangka ditahan oleh sejumlah saksi mata," ujar Kopral Don Coppola dari kepolisian setempat.

Ketika ditanyai oleh polisi, Burgess mengaku hanya ingin tahu bagaimana rasanya "bermain video game Grand Theft Auto" (GTA). Beruntung, "permainannya" itu tak berlangsung lama dan tak memakan korban jiwa.

Burgess menghadapi sembilan tuntutan tabrak lari, pencurian kendaraan, dan penculikan. Dia dibebaskan pada Minggu, 22 September, setelah membayar uang jaminan sebesar 80.000 dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 923 juta.

Game "GTA V" untuk PC Perlu 7 DVD dan 100GB HDD

Rockstar GamesGrand Theft Auto V - Setelah ditunda beberapa kali, game populer Grand Theft Auto (GTA) V versi PC akhirnya dirilis juga. Game itu dilepas ke pasar tepat pada 14 April 2015.

Game ini sangat tidak "ramah" bagi pengguna PC dengan media penyimpanan berkapasitas rendah. Pasalnya, file instalasi GTA V versi PC memiliki kapasitas berukuran sangat jumbo, yakni 65 GB.

File tersebut nantinya akan "membengkak" dan memerlukan ruang di harddisk (HDD) hingga 100 GB setelah instalasi selesai dilakukan.

Rockstar, pihak pengembang game ini, menjual game ini dengan menggunakan dua metode. Cara pertama adalah dengan mengunduh melalui internet.

Bagi yang memiliki kecepatan internet yang cepat, mengunduh file sebesar 65 GB tidak akan menjadi kendala tersendiri. Nah, untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, Rockstar juga menjual versi fisik GTA V dalam bentuk DVD.

Mengapa tidak menggunakan kepingan Blu-ray? Tampaknya, Rockstar menyadari bahwa belum semua pengguna PC menggunakan optical drive Blu-ray. Oleh karena itu, pengembang tersebut masih menggunakan DVD.

Mengingat besarnya file tersebut, Rockstar membagi file instalasi tersebut dalam jumlah yang cukup banyak, seperti KompasTekno kutip dari Geek, Senin (20/4/2015), yaitu sebanyak 7 keping DVD.

Geek.comGTA V untuk PC terdiri dari 7 keping DVD
GTA V versi PC sendiri sebenarnya sudah mengalami kemunduran waktu rilis beberapa kali lantaran Rockstar menambahkan beberapa fitur baru. Salah satunya adalah dukungan game dalam resolusi sangat tinggi, yakni 4K.

Untuk memainkan game dengan kualitas tersebut, tentunya dibutuhkan spesifikasi yang tinggi pula. Beberapa waktu lalu, Kevin Hoare, President Rockstar Toronto, pernah menyarankan bagi para pemain untuk menggunakan kartu grafis AMD HD 7870 atau Nvidia 760 dengan VRAM 2 GB agar bisa bermain GTA V dalam kualitas 4K.

Menurut pengamatan KompasTekno, game GTA V untuk PC ini sudah mulai dijual di Indonesia. Ia dijual dengan harga sekitar Rp 690.000.